Hemisphere Freight Services is proud to formally announce that we have chosen Inspire Suffolk as our charity of the year for 2018/19.

For those who haven’t heard of the organisation, Inspire Suffolk is a charity that helps young adults overcome difficult challenges in their lives so that they can make positive steps back into employment and family life through structured personal development programmes, education programmes and sporting activities.

They have been acknowledged by the House of Commons, Prince’s Trust, the High Sheriff of Suffolk and Prince Harry for their amazing contribution to the development of young adults and local communities.

“Having had an inner city upbringing with very few privileges, I moved to this area when I was fourteen and left school at sixteen with no clear direction. I was fortunate to find my way into logistics and with good mentoring in my early days, a very strong work ethic and a lot of determination, I now own and run a successful and strongly branded International company. The decision we made regarding Inspire was based on my own past experiences and a collective passion to help youngsters locally. We feel privileged to be able to be involved in current fundraising events and have committed to assist with future projects over the next two years and hopefully beyond.”
Andy Perrin, MD

Recently, we entered a team and also sponsored hole one at Inspire Suffolk’s annual ‘Inspire Suffolk Golf Day’ at Ufford Park Woodbridge and helped the organisation raise over £4.5k.

The event was hosted by TalkSPORT presenter Georgie Bingham and former ITFC captain Matt Holland, who also awarded us our prize for winning the team event!  Overall, it was a great day of golf, but ultimately the winner on the day was Inspire Suffolk who through this event and the many others they organise throughout the year not only raise much needed funds, but also greater awareness for what is a very deserving organisation.

Although Hemisphere works with a range of charities, with our HQ in Suffolk and with many of our team being local, Inspire Suffolk has captured our hearts!